But wait... it’s September! Why is it the New Year? Because God’s calendar is not the same as ours.
The Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites: ‘On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of sabbath rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts. Do no regular work, but present a food offering to the Lord.’”
- Leviticus 23:23-25
The Feast of Trumpets is the Jewish civil New Year and it has many names.
• Rosh Hashanah
• Day of Remembrance
• Head of the Year
• The Jewish New Year
The command of the day is to blow trumpets. Usually the trumpets are blown over one hundred times!
Can you imagine a day where you hear the trumpet over 100 times? Why would we need to hear that so much?
It’s called The Day of Remembrance because we are to remember. Remember what?
To blow the trumpet. The sound jolts us from our sleep so we remember who we really are and remember God is King!
The Feast of Trumpets is a special feast. It is a feast of sound! All the rest of the feasts have to do with resting and eating, but this feast you rest and listen.
Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). We have the ability to hear because we are His sheep. But we have to take time to listen.
The trumpet is sounded on Rosh Hashanah and it wakes us up! It reminds us. It focuses us.
It gets our attention. Sometimes we can be going about our daily lives and we forget to listen— because we are just so caught up with what is going on—school, homework, practices, ect. The Feast of Trumpets sounds an awakening alarm to pay attention to Jesus’ voice.
Our New Year’s day is January 1st. What do we do on our New Year’s Eve? What do you do to celebrate New Years?
Throw a party
Make confetti from colored construction paper
Listen to music
Eat fun foods
So today we do fun things like we eat traditional Feast of Trumpets’ foods like apples dipped in honey, pomegranate and round challah (bread).
We dip the apples in the honey and wish our friends a, “Happy, sweet New Year!” Seeing the seeds of pomegranates as we eat them reminds us that a year filled with so many good sweet things that they are so innumerable we can’t even count them!
We make the traditional Round Raisin Filled Challah. It is a sweet, round bread that represents a sweet new year. The round shape of the bread is like the cycle of the year so it reminds us that every part of it is sweet!
Do you see a pattern? Remember God said:
“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him.”
–Psalm 34:8
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
–Psalm 119:103
Our blog is called Hearing God Like...What a perfect day to launch-on the feast of sound. We can hear God by participating in the times He sets apart to meet with Him. Those times are called feasts of the Lord. In Leviticus 23, we see the eight feasts that God appointed.
“These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.”
–Leviticus 23:2
God appointed a time for us to meet with Him; the mow’ed of God means appointed time, meeting, or feast. He has set up a time for you to meet with Him specifically.
God puts in His word that we need to celebrate! To stop everything seven times a year and feast— party—celebrate—dance—sing—rejoice.
Let’s just be quiet for three minutes and listen since this is the feast of sound. Feasting is usually eating a really good, big meal that we enjoy. Instead of eating food let’s feast on what God speaks to us.

Each of the SEVEN lessons equip and impart Kingdom truths through their favorite Bible stories as the kids experience the love and power of God. This Word and Spirit based curriculum establishes a strong biblical foundation while creating space for children to encounter the Holy Spirit.

The Fall Feasts (Pre-K) is designed to take our children on a journey to encounter the Father's love through Jesus Christ. They will discover Mighty God and be equipped with knowing Him and partnering with Him to do great things for the Kingdom of God.