(Coming this Fall)
We were introduced to John Paul Jackson and Streams Ministries in 1997. Straight away we were amazed by the awe and wonder of God that marked his ministry. Our lives were forever changed. Throughout the next eighteen years we had the honor and privilege of learning from John Paul, working for Him, producing projects, and ultimately becoming his friends.
As many of you know it was hard to be around John Paul very long without connecting with his vision to equip and train others to discover the awe of God and to hear His voice. This shared vision is what led Jodi to write The Art of Hearing God for Kids based upon John Paul’s life-changing curriculum The Art of Hearing God.
Throughout the years we had many conversation with John Paul about expanding the vision to train up kids - that our ceiling would become their floor and that they would advance far beyond us in ability and obedience.
That vision has never diminished in our hearts and we excited to introduce to you Samuel School - Resources for Kids. While continuing to offer The Art of Hearing God for Kids, we have added 14 additional curriculums to encourage and educate your children, including the Spiritual Strength Series, Heroes of the Faith Series, and several titles on the Feasts. As well as offering online classes for families starting this Fall.
We are grateful for the legacy of John Paul Jackson and all the work that Streams Ministries continues to do for the advancement of the Kingdom! It’s our desire that Samuel School would carry the same heart and bring great impact towards the ways of God being known in the earth for this next generation.
Josh and Jodi Young